IE Federated Register Services
· All EP patents granted and designating Ireland since 1 August 1992
· The Register is updated on a daily basis
· Availability of file inspection – no; only by visiting the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland library
· URL to national register -
· Availability of deep linking to national register from FRS – yes
Contents provided via FRS
FRS Data | Date Provided | IEPO - Contents | |
1 | Status | Yes | Lapsed, Surrendered, Expired, Revoked, |
2 | Application No. | Yes | EP application, e.g. EP95250091 |
3 | Publication No. | Yes | Granted EP patent, e.g. EP0678348 |
4 | Proprietor | Yes | Current proprietor and proprietor at time of grant |
5 | Invalidation date | Yes | No specific invalidation date exists, but a date about the effective legal date in relation to the non-valid status (patent withdrawn; patent revoked; patent lapsed; patent expired; etc.) is displayed. |
6 | Not in force since | Yes | Date from when this patent is no longer in force. |
7 | Renewal fees last paid | Yes | Date of the last renewal fee payment. |
8 | Register last uploaded | Yes | Date when the patent details were last updated. |
9 | SPC | Yes | Basic information about any related SPC application is contained in the Patent Register. More detailed information on the SPC application can be found by going to the SPC Register. |
Contact Details
Related links:
There are several patent searching options on the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland website:
· The Patent Register
· The Patent Database
· The SPC Register
On the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland website links are also provided to the following:
· Journal of the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland (published fortnightly)
· The European Patent Register
· Espacenet
· An SPC Excel spreadsheet containing information on all Irish SPCs
· WIPO Patentscope